Welcome to Criw Cymraeg's page!
Here you can find regular updates about...
- Our Ymadrodd yr Wythnos (Phrase of the week)
- Our weekly meetings
- Our progress towards gaining the Bronze Siarter Iaith award
- How we promoting speaking Welsh to the rest of the school!
Here you can find regular updates about...
- Our Ymadrodd yr Wythnos (Phrase of the week)
- Our weekly meetings
- Our progress towards gaining the Bronze Siarter Iaith award
- How we promoting speaking Welsh to the rest of the school!
Our Criw Cymraeg Members
Our Targets for the year:
1.Continue to establish the presence of Criw Cymraeg
2.Keep in touch with families
3. Ensure the school looks, sounds and feels like a primary school in Wales.
1.Continue to establish the presence of Criw Cymraeg
2.Keep in touch with families
3. Ensure the school looks, sounds and feels like a primary school in Wales.
Our Criw Cymraeg Members
Our Role and Responsibilities
As Llantrisant Primary School's Criw Cymraeg, it is our job to
- Promote the Welsh ethos of the school
- Ensure that all pupils understand Welsh is an important part of our culture
- Ensure that pupils enjoy learning Welsh through daily Helpwr Heddiw sessions and weekly Welsh lessons
- Encourage pupils to communicate through the medium of Welsh
- Make sure that pupils feel confident when having basic conversations in Welsh
New Badges!
Criw Cymraeg are thrilled with their new #pupilvoice badges which they voted on to choose the design and colour. We are proud to continue promoting Welsh within our school!
Criw Cymraeg are thrilled with their new #pupilvoice badges which they voted on to choose the design and colour. We are proud to continue promoting Welsh within our school!
Weekly Meeting Update - May 2022
Criw Cymraeg have been busy practising their assembly for tomorrow morning where they will be sharing information about their roles, responsibilities and also next week's Diwrnodd Seren a Sbarc celebration day!
Criw Cymraeg have been busy practising their assembly for tomorrow morning where they will be sharing information about their roles, responsibilities and also next week's Diwrnodd Seren a Sbarc celebration day!
Diwrnod Seren a Sbarc Mai 2022
We had a fantastic day celebrating Diwrnod Seren a Sbarc. All of the class designed Welsh themed superhero masks to wear to our disgo and KS2 wrote some very detailed character descriptions! Although it was raining, it didn't stop us having our disgo Cymraeg in the hall during amser chwarae!
We had a fantastic day celebrating Diwrnod Seren a Sbarc. All of the class designed Welsh themed superhero masks to wear to our disgo and KS2 wrote some very detailed character descriptions! Although it was raining, it didn't stop us having our disgo Cymraeg in the hall during amser chwarae!
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 20th May
'Beth yw'r dyddiad?'
'Beth yw'r dyddiad?'
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 29th April
'Beth wyt ti'n hoffi darllen?'
'Beth wyt ti'n hoffi darllen?'
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos -7th April
'Pasg Hapus!'
'Pasg Hapus!'
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 25th March
'Beth wyt ti eisiau i fwyta?'
'Beth wyt ti eisiau i fwyta?'
Weekly Meeting Update - March 2022
In this month's Criw Cymraeg meeting, we have been busy practising leading our new playground games, designing Croseo signs for each class and rehearsing their new #YmadroddyrWythnos each week.
In this month's Criw Cymraeg meeting, we have been busy practising leading our new playground games, designing Croseo signs for each class and rehearsing their new #YmadroddyrWythnos each week.
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 19th November
'Beth oedd y tywydd ddoe?'
'Beth oedd y tywydd ddoe?'
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 12th November
'Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw?'
'Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw?'
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 5th November
'Sut wyt ti'n teilmo'n heddiw?'
Celebrating Shwmae Day 2021!
The children had a brilliant day celebrating #ShwmaeDay2021! Each class celebrated by making Welsh board games and dancing to our #DisgoCymraeg during Amser Chwarae! (The selfie frame went down a treat too!)
Weekly Meeting Update Oct 2021
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 1st October
'Wyt ti'n _____ heddiw?'
'Wyt ti'n _____ heddiw?'
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 24th September
'Wyt ti'n iawn?'
'Wyt ti'n iawn?'
Criw Cymraeg
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos
Each week Criw Cymraeg introduce their Welsh 'Phrase of the Week' to each of the classes during our Zoom Assembly meeting with Mrs Davies.
Criw Cymraeg then model how to use the phrase and upload it to Twitter for all to see! Keep up to date by following us @Llantrisantpri
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 11th June
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 14th May
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 14th May
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 14th May
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 14th May
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 7th May
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 30th April
Ymadrodd yr Wythnos - 30th April
Weekly Meetings!
Raising the profile of Criw Cymraeg!
Criw Cymraeg are thrilled with their new personalised Lanyards!
During a lunchtime meeting, they discussed the importance of raising their profile as Criw Cymraeg members explaining that they wanted pupils to be more aware of their presence during around the school. Miss Williams took their idea to a meeting with Mrs Davies, who in turn thought it was brilliant! So their #pupilvoice idea was brought to life!
During a lunchtime meeting, they discussed the importance of raising their profile as Criw Cymraeg members explaining that they wanted pupils to be more aware of their presence during around the school. Miss Williams took their idea to a meeting with Mrs Davies, who in turn thought it was brilliant! So their #pupilvoice idea was brought to life!
Celebrating Shwmae Day 2020!
Shwmae Day 2020 was a huge success and it was absolutely brilliant to see how much the children enjoyed this special day!
Criw Cymraeg did an excellent job of planning the day which included Welsh activities being carried out in each class and Welsh music being played on the playground during Lunchtime and Breaktime! The children loved listening to a range of different Welsh language bands!
Criw Cymraeg did an excellent job of planning the day which included Welsh activities being carried out in each class and Welsh music being played on the playground during Lunchtime and Breaktime! The children loved listening to a range of different Welsh language bands!
Helping your children at home!
Days of the Week - Dyddiau'r wythnos•
Monday - Dydd Llun,
Tuesday - Dydd Mawrth,
Wednesday - Dydd Mercher
Thursday - Dydd Iau
Friday - Dydd Gwener
Saturday - Dydd Sadwrn
Sunday - Dydd Sul
Misoedd – Months of the Year
Ionawr – January
Chwefror – February
Mawrth – March
Ebrill – April
Mai – May
Mehefin – June
Gorffennaf – July
Awst – August
Medi – September
Hydref – October
Tachwedd – November
Rhagfyr - December
Penblwydd Hapys Happy Birthday
Nadolig Llawen Happy Christmas
Blwyddyn Newydd Dda Happy New Year
Pasg Hapus Happy Easter
1 - un
2 - dau
3 - tri
4 - pedwar
5 - pump
6 - chwech
7 - saith
8 - wyth
9 - naw
10 - deg
Mae hi’n amser…..chwarae / cinio / mynd adref / cofrestr / tacluso.
It’s…… playtime / dinnertime / home time / register / tidy up time.
Bore da Good morning
Prynhawn da Good afternoon
Noswaith dda Good evening
Nos da Good night
Hwyl fawr Good Bye
Pwy wyt ti?/Be ydy d’enw di?
Who are you/What’s your name?
……… ydw i I’m ………
Sut wyt ti? How are you?
Bendigedig / Gwych Fantastic
Da iawn diolch Very well thanks
Ofnadwy Terrible
Wedi blino Tired
Hapus/trist Happy/sad
Campus Cymraeg
Our Criw Cymraeg are aiming to gain the 'Siarter Iaith' Bronze Award by the end of the summer term in 2021. This award has ten key priorities, and Criw Cymraeg are working hard to try to achieve this award!
The ten priorities are listed below:
* Establish a Welsh ethos around the school.
* Children and staff understand the advantages of learning Welsh.
* Staff and children use incidental Welsh in the classroom.
* Staff and children use incidental Welsh outside of the classroom.
* Welsh is promoted and celebrated in assemblies.
* Apps and websites are used to enhance learning of Welsh.
* Enrichment activities are organised that promote the Welsh language.
* Enjoyment of Welsh reading is promoted around the school.
* Welsh is planned for and taught across the curriculum.
* A positive attitude is established for Welsh, for all stakeholders.
Our Criw Cymraeg are aiming to gain the 'Siarter Iaith' Bronze Award by the end of the summer term in 2021. This award has ten key priorities, and Criw Cymraeg are working hard to try to achieve this award!
The ten priorities are listed below:
* Establish a Welsh ethos around the school.
* Children and staff understand the advantages of learning Welsh.
* Staff and children use incidental Welsh in the classroom.
* Staff and children use incidental Welsh outside of the classroom.
* Welsh is promoted and celebrated in assemblies.
* Apps and websites are used to enhance learning of Welsh.
* Enrichment activities are organised that promote the Welsh language.
* Enjoyment of Welsh reading is promoted around the school.
* Welsh is planned for and taught across the curriculum.
* A positive attitude is established for Welsh, for all stakeholders.